Group / Hierarchy

Updated by Bob Medlin

What is the purpose of the Groups page?

This section is where you can create your company Hierarchy in order to assign your resources (Vehicles & Drivers) to their appropriate group and level.

Groups are used to manage and organise drivers and vehicles into relevant reporting groups. It is used to filter results in the reporting of features e.g. show me the current position of the vehicles in the “northern group”. MICHELIN Connected Fleet admin users often create hierarchies by geography and/or occupation.
They are also used to define a hierarchical structure (an organisation of groups in relation to each other). The hierarchical structure of groups helps control access to vehicle/driver information, for example a regional manager could have access to view the data from every group, whereas a depot manager might only have access to his own drivers group

Where can I find the Groups page?

  1. First click in the main menu (on the left-hand side of the page) on “Settings Alerts & Locations”  button
  2. Second click in the secondary menu (top of the page) on the category “More” button
  3. Third click in the category More on “Group” button
  4. You are now able (if created) to see your sites hierarchy.

Create or Rename a group

  1. To begin, click the Button next to the top group
  2. To create a sub level to a group, click the Button and select the option titled "Create New Group" which will open a text box. Enter the relevant name and click the save button.
  3. To rename a group, click the Button and select the option titled "Rename" and enter your company name. Once entered, click the save button.
  • Continue in this way until all groups are created at their appropriate level. Once complete you can assign your resources (Vehicles & Drivers) to their group or level.
  • You have the ability to easily amend your new hierarchy by clicking on any group, dragging it to the appropriate level and dropping it in.
  • Users are then assigned a group level to manage and report on their resources accordingly.
Make sure to save after you have made any changes.

Mass import groups

Import of new group is done relative to the parent group name.

Step 1 - Create you group list

This import method only allows the creation of groups that do not currently exist on the system. Therefore it is assumed only new groups will be added under existing parent groups.

  1. To import the file must be a CSV file format (in excel save as ‘CSV’)
  2. Then press "Save" to save your CSV document.
  1. The group list must be the first worksheet (Sheet 1).
  • A CSV will only have one sheet.
  • If converted from an excel file there might be more worksheets
  1. The group list must contains:
  • Parent Group name
  • Group name

The sample file contains a top (header) row in the CSV. You should not remove this row. Add your first group from second line.

Step 2 - Import your group list

  1. To import the file select "Import" from the group page
  1. "Browse" the file to import from the import group page
  2. Select the correct file and "Open" it
  3. Click on Import

Once the import is complete the summary shows:

  • Total records contained in the file
  • Total records imported
  • Total invalid records

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