How to manage Tacho alerts

Updated by Matt Childs

General notes

  • If the user clicks on the save button, the system is saving all changes (even if changes are in a different alert type / category).
  • All users from the company can see the alert management window
  • About recipients, there is no user management
  • /!\ Important note : The language used for alert notifications is the language used in the UI when the user creates / updates the alert.
    • Example: 
      • My account is in French.
      • I create a new tacho alert
      • The alert will be in French and all recipients will receive the notification in French.

How to access to tachograph page

You can access to the tacho page

  1. Click on “Drivers, vehicles & Reports” on the left side bar
  2. Click on “Driver” > “Tachograph” on the top side bar

How to use it

  1. Click on button “Alerts”

  1. A window appears and the user can create, read, update or delete his alerts.

  1. Create / manage the different alerts by alert types
    1. Select the right severity
    2. Add the recipients
    N.B : By default for the continuous driving alert the severity is Serious but for the other alerts it’s Minor
  2. At the end of the process, save alerts using “Save” button. Save button is used to validate all changes

Other information about the operation

  • Bloc 1: List of available alert types / categories
  • Bloc 2: Title of page and Save and Cancel buttons
  • Bloc 3: Title of alert type / category and description of the alert type / category
  • Bloc 4: List of alerts for the alert type / category

UX Rules

Bloc 1

List of alerts

  • Display the list of alert types
    • Rule: The current alert type is bold and with a marker
  • Display check pictogram on the righ if
    • At 1+ alert is enabled
Bloc 2 

Button “Save”

  • Status
    • The button “Save” is disabled by default
    • The button “Save” is enabled if a change is detected
    • Save button is used to validate all changes (Create, Duplicate, Delete, Update)
  • Behaviour on click : snack bar on the bottom left
    • Success case : 
      • 1 - The tachograph alert window saves all changes - it is not only for the current alert displayed
      • 2 - The tachograph alert window is closed
      • 3 - A snack bar message is displayed, at the bottom left with the text : “Alerts been updated”
    • Fail case :
      • 1 - The tachograph alert window remains displayed
      • 2 - A snack bar message is displayed, at the bottom left with the text  : “An error has occurred. Try again.” 

Button “Cancel”

  • Status
    • The button is enabled.
  • Behaviour on click
    • Close tachograph alert window
Bloc 3
  • Title of alert type / category
  • General description of the alert type / category
Bloc 4
  • List of alerts by alert type
    • The sort should be by severity “Minor”, “Serious”, “Very serious”, “Most Very Serious” 
    • No limit for the number of alerts.
  • “Add alert” button
    • Status
      • Enabled
    • Behaviour on click
      • Create a new alert line
  • “Pencil” button
    • Delete
      • On click, delete the current line
      • N.B : Need to click on the save button to validate the change
    • Duplicate
      • On click, duplicate the current line in another line
      • N.B : Need to click on the save button to validate the change
  • List of recipients
    • Enter a correct email and click on “Enter”

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