FAQs for Renault OEM vehicles

Updated by Matt Childs

General Queries

I have new vehicles in my fleet, how do I know if these vehicles are compatible?

Please speak to your account manager or the customer service team first so they can carry out a vehicle compatibility check for you. This needs to be done before adding new vehicles on your customer service portal.


I have an issue with my Renault vehicle data, which is inaccurate or not updating, what should I do?

Please get in touch with the MICHELIN Connected Fleet customer services team with any issues surrounding your vehicle data. You can email them at: customer.service@masternaut.com


Renault Hardware


I have a new vehicle I wish to add to my fleet and the vehicle does not have an integrated vehicle telematics device. How do I get a Renault adapter fitted to my vehicle?

Please speak with your local Renault dealer, they will be able to supply and fit a Renault R-Adapter device to your vehicle.


How can I turn the vehicle’s privacy settings on and off?

Please click here, or check the information provided during the onboarding process. For further information please see the owner's manual supplied with the vehicles.


Data relating to one of the vehicles in my fleet has stopped displaying within the MICHELIN Connected Fleet platform (Connect). How can I resolve this?

Please check the privacy settings. If this is set to transmit data then please get in touch with the MICHELIN Connected Fleet customer services team. You can email them at: customer.service@masternaut.com . If it isn’t set to transmit data, then please turn this on to ensure data is displayed correctly within the MICHELIN Connected Fleet platform (Connect).

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