Using the MICHELIN Connected Fleet MyConnectedFleet Timesheets, you can visualise the status of your vehicles or drivers throughout the day in a synthetic way. This simplified view allows you to quickly identify late departures and early returns, working times, but also vehicle use outside working hours or days, or even long idling sessions.
You can access the Timesheets via the menu Drivers, Vehicles and Reports > Timesheets, and choose between a view by driver or by vehicle.

- By adjusting the filters, you can limit the timesheet to a single driver/vehicle or group of drivers/vehicles (resource), define a time period or apply additional filters.
- Each day is presented as a bar, colour-coded according to the vehicle's status:
- Green : driving
- Yellow : idling
- Red : stopped, engine off
By clicking on each section of a day, you can display the details, including the duration of the event and its location.
In addition, you can display the colour coding legend and export the timesheet to a PDF document.