Importazione di massa: Driver

Updated by Matt Childs

Driver mass import

This import method allows the creation of drivers that do no currently exist on the system. Therefore it is assumed only new drivers will be included in the import CSV file.

Step 1 - Create a list of drivers

  • The file must be a CSV file format (in Excel save as ‘CSV’)
    • A template has been provided as an example in the import page of Connect
  • If using Excel to create the CSV file, ensure that the driver list is the first worksheet (Sheet 1)
  • The driver list must follow same structure as the driver table
    • Driver name
    • Group name
    • Associated vehicle name
    • RFID Key number
    • PND PIN code
    • Tacho Card number
    • Tags
  • The sample file contains a top (header) row in the CSV. You should remove this row. Place your first driver in the first row.
  • Do not duplicate driver names
  • A driver must be in a group. NOTE: the minimum import is a driver and a group.
  • ID keys cannot be imported if they already exist. 8. ID keys must be exactly 6 characters, each a digit or a letter between A and F. An example would be ‘123456’ or ‘142FEE’
  • Tags are single words separated by a space. These tags will replace any existing tags on the vehicle. If no tags are specified in the file, then any existing tags will be deleted.

Step 2 - Import drivers

  • To import the file select ‘Import’ in the drivers page
  • To import the file select ‘Browse in the drivers page
  • Browse for the correct file
  • When you have selected the file, a checkbox appears to enable the overwrite feature. The overwrite feature is addressed later in the document. To run the import process press ‘Import’.
  • Once the import is complete the summary shows:
    • Total records contained in the file
    • Total records imported
    • Total invalid records
    • There is also a section dealing with invalid records. Pressing the button highlighted below enables you to download the records that have failed.

Driver Overwrite Stages

This section deals with overwriting existing drivers. An import file can contain both existing drivers to edit and new drivers to insert.

Step 1 – Create overwrite driver list

  • The file must be a CSV file format (in Excel save as ‘CSV’)
    • A template has been provided as an example in the import page of Connect
  • If using Excel to create the CSV file, ensure that the driver list is the first worksheet (Sheet 1)
  • The driver list must follow same structure as the driver table
    • Driver name
    • Group name
    • Associated vehicle name
    • RFID Key number
    • PND PIN code
    • Tacho Card number
    • Tags
  • The sample file contains a top (header) row in the CSV. You should remove this row. Place your first driver in the first row.
  • Do not duplicate driver names
  • A driver must be in a group. NOTE: the minimum import is a driver and a group.
  • ID keys cannot be imported if they already exist. 8. ID keys must be exactly 6 characters, each a digit or a letter between A and F. An example would be ‘123456’ or ‘142FEE’
  • Tags are single words separated by a space. These tags will replace any existing tags on the vehicle. If no tags are specified in the file, then any existing tags will be deleted.

Step 2 - Import drivers

  • To import the file select ‘Import’ in the drivers page
  • To import the file select ‘Browse in the drivers page
  • Browse for the correct file
  • As soon you’ve selected your file a checkbox appears. Select the checkbox to confirm you want to edit drivers. To finish run the import process by pressing ‘Import’
  • During the import process, you will be prompted by the following confirmation on the first record you’re going to edit.
  • At this stage you have the following options (from left to right):
    • Skip the record: this won’t update the current record
    • Skip all: won’t update any records
    • Overwrite this record: will overwrite the current record
    • Overwrite all: will overwrite all records without asking for any further confirmation
    • Cancel import: stops the import process at its current stage
  • At the end of the import process a summary indicates how rows have been imported (including rows edited).

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