Manage PINs for Drivers

Updated by Matt Childs

The driver PIN gives drivers limited access to their camera menu. They can access Live Video and RecordingsScan Documents, and exit the menu. With this PIN, drivers cannot access Settings.

The default driver camera PIN is 2112. This PIN is publicly available in our support documentation and website knowledge base. To secure access to the dashcam, you should change the driver PIN for your cameras.

Changing the Driver PIN

  1. When you are in the parked vehicle with the parking brake on, the ignition on, and the door closed, press the touchscreen of the dashcam to view the PIN screen.
  2. Enter the default administrator camera PIN 3333 to unlock the dashcam for the first time, or your own PIN subsequently.
See Set and manage your dashcam PIN if you need help with your admin. PIN.

The screen unlocks and the menu appears:

  1. Press Settings.

  1. Scroll down to Change Driver PIN

  1. Enter four digits to set the new PIN. 

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